While carbon black is a popular additive used by numerous industries worldwide, manufacturers must pulverize the material before using it. At Pulva Corporation, we have the tools and industry knowledge necessary to process and make the most out of this versatile material.
Carbon black is an essential ingredient in many rubbers, plastics, coatings and pigments. The material consists almost entirely of pure carbon, and it's the product of the incomplete combustion of gasoline, diesel fuel and other heavy petroleum products. The additive can also be the result of burning certain vegetable matter. Manufacturers create carbon black in a controlled furnace atmosphere where they add fuel to special gas steam hot enough to vaporize it.
Although carbon black has numerous industrial applications, it's mostly a colorant or reinforcing agent in tires. The material famously makes car tires stronger by increasing their life span and reducing the risk of thermal damage. Carbon black is also a common food coloring additive in Europe, Australia and New Zealand when made from vegetable fiber.
After the first stage in the manufacturing process, carbon black consists of fine particulates and larger clumps called grit. Manufacturers must then pulverize the grit before carbon black is viable as a functional additive.
Carbon black hammer mills and pulverizers are essential to the refinement process as they decrease grit levels and improve the product's overall performance. Carbon black grit reduction equipment works with industrial classifiers to reduce the amount of grit by pulverizing the material to a very fine level and separating large agglomerates.
As the leading supplier of industrial carbon black milling equipment, we provide customers worldwide with the products they need to process nearly grit-free carbon black. At Pulva Corporation, our range of
carbon black pulverizers allows you to grind materials to your desired level of fineness. You can process the material in batches, use a conveyor for continuous acceptance and choose screw feed inlets, gravity feed or
cryogenic feeder and grinding additions for even more grinding versatility.
Our pulverizers are available in a range of sizes and power capabilities, so you can choose one that meets your business needs for a carbon black grinding mill. The smallest model — the Pulvette Pulva-Sizer 3/4-1 1/2 HP — is perfect for pilot plants and smaller manufacturers. The larger Models D and F can handle lumps up to 6 inches in diameter and are ideal for high-production operations.
First established in 1938, Pulva Corporation remains a hardworking and reliable family-owned business. With over 80 years of experience, we pride ourselves on delivering superior industry knowledge and expertise. Our commitment to manufacturing quality products is matched only by our dedication to exceptional customer service. If a size reduction problem needs solving, our team has the solution.
If you're searching for a high-quality carbon black size reduction machine, Pulva Corporation is here to help. We offer milling and pulverizing solutions to professionals worldwide, and we can provide you with industry-leading products and customer service.
Get in touch with our team today to request a quote or learn more about our services.
Phone: (800) 878-5828
Email: sales@pulva.com